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What my clients are saying after experiencing MAP


Increased Energy + Motivation

"I've had more energy and gotten so much done! I'm now moving forward. I noticed that 5 days in a row after our session I got so much accomplished!"  ~Joan



Released Trauma

"I had trauma that I was ready to let go of, but didn't know how to. It kept me in a state of fight or flight for years. MAP helped me release that trauma and now I have more energy and am not in fight/flight anymore!"  ~Esther


Improved Sleep

"I've been sleeping very well; overall, I'd say (the insomnia) is 90% better!" ~Stacey



"Uncommon Improvement!"


"I am not one who has “spontaneous improvement” experiences, so it was stunning that, in my recent session with Susan, I started out with back pain of 8-9 out of 10 and ended with pain of 2-3… and we weren’t even addressing the pain in the session! We were addressing an initial emotion, and with Susan’s stealth inquiry of Superconscious, kept getting more and more specific emotions and clearing them along the way! Susan was continually guided that my issue was emotional and not a body issue to address, and so she kept clearing emotions rather than doing any body work and, at the end of the session, my pain was nearly gone. I could hardly move when we started the session and I was nearly limber and pain free by the end. Stunning! Purely stunning!" ~M.B.


"I'm free from so many fears that held me captive!"


"I am so incredibly grateful for my healing journey with Susan. I'm still dumbfounded how just by talking to your Superconscious mind, you can heal trauma from your childhood that is still impacting your life today.

After hearing my friend's testimony with MAP I bought a few of Susan's MAP packages and met with her once a week over Zoom. It's such an easy and peaceful process and Susan did most of the talking (to my subconscious mind!).

I struggled with low self-worth, fear of abandonment/rejection, grief, depression, and intense anxiety attacks. I was at the beginning stages of going through a divorce. I lost all hope and the will to live.

It was around the 6th or 7th MAP session that I felt a huge and significant shift.

After a gut-wrenching conversation with my husband, I felt the beginning of an anxiety attack coming...but this time it was different. The panic sensation didn't feel the same; it was less intense, even bearable, and it didn't feel like I was dying or going crazy! That's when I said to myself, "This is too good to be true...I'm going to test this out for a few more days." The following days I experienced the same sensation...the intensity of the debilitating anxiety/panic attacks was so much less! It felt like I could breathe again.

After further work with Susan I started to believe in myself again and feel mentally strong and confident.

My husband noticed such a significant change in me that he bought a few MAP sessions for our teenage daughter, who struggles with depression, anxiety, and OCD.

Susan has been such a blessing. I'm not afraid of loneliness anymore. I now feel capable. And I'm free from so many fears that held me captive! Thank you, Susan!"  ~Liesl


Adrenal Fatigue Improved

"I feel like I had a major change after our first session. My adrenal fatigue greatly improved! I noticed that I can do a lot more now. I have a lot more energy, so I'm very thankful for that!" ~Esther



No More Panic Attacks

"It's amazing how my life has changed! I keep on laughing. I keep on saying, 'What is going on? Where are these symptoms that I have been dealing with these past two months?' I don't get panic and anxiety attacks anymore!" ~Liesl


Less Critical

"I'm a lot more gracious with myself, and that is pretty cool! I can't explain how that happens; but something's changed!" ~Stacey



"This single session's outcome will enable me to not feel nervous eating out anymore!" (food tolerance)


"I recently had a MAP session with Susan, and I can't recommend her highly enough!

For several years I have struggled with high sensitivity to various foods, especially dairy. For me this was not just dairy intolerance, but intolerance to casein (the protein in dairy) which was such a huge hassle, especially when eating out or even going to a friend's house.

During the session I found Susan to be highly professional yet very caring and understanding, enabling me to feel totally safe and comfortable. The session itself was so relaxing and...easy! It really required little effort on my part.

After the session I was a little nervous to try out my (hopefully!) new gut, but at Christmas, I was so tempted my my "old favorite" milk chocolates that I just had to eat one. And I did...with zero negative effect! Usually I would have had immediate pain in my gut, lasting several hours, with even the smallest bit of diary. But this time -- nothing! I was beyond thrilled!

This single session's outcome will enable me to not feel nervous now eating out and, better still, give me the great joy of eating a favorite bit of milk chocolate again once in a while instead of always missing out.

Thank you so much, Susan, for this amazing MAP session! I know look forward to "working on" the other allergies, sensitivities, and intolerances too!"  ~Karin

Feedback on Personalized Subliminal Recordings


Continually Rewiring Thoughts

"I am very grateful for this subliminal recording; I listen to it daily. I feel as though it reinforces all the subconscious healing that we have worked on and continues to teach my brain more positive things to believe and work on. Since I have a difficult falling asleep at night, I have gotten into the habit of turning it on as I lay down, which actually ends up putting me to sleep. I know my brain is still listening as I am sleeping, but it doesn’t feel like an additional thing I have to do during the day. I feel like it is constantly helping me rewire and change my thought processes, and become a better version of myself!" ~Cynthia


Shifting to Positive Thoughts


"It's hard to put into words how impactful this subliminal product has really been in my life. After a month or so, some of my negative thought patterns started shifting to more hopeful thoughts -- that would not have naturally happened. I'm shifting from "I can't'" into "I can! I am hopeful!" If you're feeling stuck this is a great way to start unblocking whatever is causing you to feel stuck." ~Beth


Increased self-confidence, conquered fear and challenges


"I was amazed by the effects of brain re-wiring with MAP. When Susan told me about how great it works, I was skeptical but trusted her opinion. I am so grateful I did! I had 3 MAP sessions with Susan and all 3 of them were successful. I learned how my past was affecting my current life and how it also affected my decision-making process. I've always been a people-pleaser, putting other's needs ahead of my own. I no longer felt that way after only one session! She worked on my ability to conquer specific fears I had surrounding people-pleasing and also my insecurities. I feel confident in many areas that I never did before!

I was always wondering why I chose the life partners I did; by rewiring my brain I now have the blessing of being able to change the way I feel towards myself and dating situations, and now have a better understanding of my thought process. I no longer feel I make poor choices in that area. I never had great discernment before, but I do now! It is very powerful!

Susan was very thorough in her explanation of how things work and the whole experience was calming and had nothing but great results! I would highly recommend this to anyone who wishes to improve their life and conquer any challenges."  ~Carey


No longer triggered

"Well, before, if I got triggered, I would get really angry. It was almost like PTSD. But it doesn't affect me now! I’m not triggered by those memories anymore."  ~Joan




Happy & Peaceful

"I've been feeling really grounded, happy, and peaceful. MAP pulled off this big layer of things that I couldn't work through on my own. They were blocking me and holding me back – and now it's being pulled off. So it's really nice!" ~Margo



Emotionally Lighter

"I'm feeling emotionally lighter. I don't feel so heavy in my mind, so pessimistic, so angry. There are different layers that are peeling off slowly, causing me to mentally feel a lot lighter. I just don't feel as emotionally bogged down as I used to. I'm doing doing pretty well!" ~Cynthia

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