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Are you ready to transform your emotional, mental, & physical health?

It's easier than you think!

Hi, I'm Susan. I help people neutralize subconscious stress through gentle and easy brain rewiring.

Whether it's a current stress, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, negative memories/experiences, trauma (childhood or adult), or chronic illness, the MAP Method can help to free you of whatever is holding you back!

Get to the ROOT of your issues

Release stored trauma

Decrease anxiety

Improve your physical health

Consider for a moment...

Do you see yourself in one or more of these situations?
  • Self-sabotaging
  • Battling anxiety
  • Feeling helpless/like a victim
  • Facing emotional or mental challenges
  • Lacking self-confidence/self-worth
  • Struggling with repetitive thoughts, racing thoughts, or negative thought patterns
  • Feeling frustrated (or even giving up) on your chronic health condition
    • You've tried everything, but still don't know the ROOT cause of your condition
    • You're taking your prescriptions/supplements to help manage your condition, but you're not getting better?
    • DID YOU KNOW? Most people with chronic health issues have a substantial trauma history?
  • Dealing with a dysregulated nervous system.
  • Wanting to get rid of stored trauma, but you don't know how.
  • Trying soooo many things...and nothing seems to change.

What will life be like six months from now if you do nothing OR continue to only manage symptoms and not resolve the ROOT cause?

Are you motivated to have a BRIGHTER future? MAP can help!

Book a Free Call

Why MAP?

The MAP Method is an innovative way to gently, easily, and safely dissolve the ROOT of your issues.
  • The MAP Method is a neuroscience-validated modality that helps you rewire your brain.
  • We work with your subconscious mind to initiate self-healing, while you are fully awake and participating in the session.
  • The MAP Method neutralizes BATCHES of memories at a time and thus is very efficient and effective.
  • You can now resolve stress, trauma, anxiety, chronic conditions, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, and more!
  • There is no need to re-traumatize you by talking about the details of your unpleasant memories. 
  • All sessions are held over Zoom, from the comfort of your home.

No More Panic Attacks

"It's amazing how my life has changed! I keep on laughing; I keep on saying, 'What is going on? Where are these symptoms that I have been dealing with these past two months?' I don't get panic- and anxiety attacks anymore!" ~Liesl


Happy & Peaceful

"I've been feeling really grounded, happy, and peaceful. MAP pulled off this big layer of things that I couldn't work through on my own. They were blocking me and holding me back – and now it's being pulled off. So it's really nice!" ~Margo


Adrenal Fatigue Improved

"I feel like I had a major change after our first session. My adrenal fatigue greatly improved! I noticed that I can do a lot more now. I have a lot more energy, so I'm very thankful for that!" 


The MAP Method is easy, gentle, and safe.

 Wondering what our sessions look like?

  • We meet on Zoom.
  • After a few minutes of chatting I will help you get into a relaxed state.
  • I give instructions to your brain; it then neutralizes the memories, emotions, beliefs, etc. from which you want to be free.
  • You are fully awake and participating in the session. You will simply be in a relaxed state while your mind does the processing.
  • Want to understand more of the science behind MAP? Jump to the MAP Science page.
  • Have more questions? Jump to the FAQ.

I understand what you may be going through!

It wasn't so long ago that I struggled with:

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • brain fog
  • YEARS of chronic illness (+ lots of labels)
  • self-limiting beliefs
  • no physical energy
  • and more

I had tried SO many modalities and got to the point that I knew subconscious stress (trauma) was the key, but I still didn't know how to get rid of it. I know what it feels like to want your life back! If you want the long version of my story, you can read it HERE.

Once I discovered the MAP Method and experienced it as a client, I saw immediate and continual improvements in all areas of my health, relationships, and life. I knew this was the answer I'd been looking for and now I'm helping others get their breakthroughs!

I've had the honor and privilege of helping people:

emotionally,  mentally,  &  physically

  • overcome anxiety
  • eliminate emotional triggers
  • be more present
  • decrease stress
  • overcome grief
  • increase ability to forgive
  • increase feelings of worthiness
  • increase joy/happiness
  • increase in peacefulness
  • resolve childhood trauma
  • regain clarity & focus
  • conquer procrastination
  • increase self-confidence
  • have better boundaries
  • become "unstuck"
  • eliminate racing thoughts
  • dissolve negative self-beliefs
  • have positive shifts in thought life
  • improve physical energy
  • improve dietary sensitivities
  • reduce mold sensitivity
  • decrease insomnia
  • treat caffeine & nicotine addictions
  • feel physically lighter
  • improve adrenal function



No longer triggered

"Well, before, if I got triggered, I would get really angry. It was almost like PTSD. But it doesn't affect me now! I’m not triggered by those memories anymore."  ~Joan


Emotionally Lighter

"I'm feeling emotionally lighter. I don't feel so heavy in my mind, so pessimistic, so angry. There are different layers that are peeling off slowly, causing me to mentally feel a lot lighter. I just don't feel as emotionally bogged down as I used to. I'm doing doing pretty well!" ~Cynthia


Less Critical

"I'm a lot more gracious with myself, and that is pretty cool! I can't explain how that happens; but something's changed!" ~Stacey

Start Your Journey

Explore what MAP can do for you!

Client Stories


Read how MAP has helped my clients!


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Let's chat & see if this a good fit for us both!


Ready to MAP?


Open the door to a healthier you!